2022 Summer Workshop
Join us at the Kennedy Willis Center for a two-day workshop on July 29 & 30 that
will address the everyday challenges of aging and dementia in Down syndrome.
The impact of aging in older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, specifically those living with Down syndrome, results in an increased likelihood of developing dementia. Day One provides an overview of characteristics and concepts related to aging in adults with Down syndrome and introduce the impact of dementia on everyday functioning. Day Two will introduce approaches to dementia care. Participants will engage in hands-on activities to apply a problem-solving approach to determine triggers for behaviors and identify strategies to manage challenging behavioral symptoms.
E. Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Jefferson Elder Care
Brittany Goodrich, Director of the Kennedy Willis Center on Down Syndrome
Please register by June 6, 2022, to assist in the planning process.At the conclusion of this session participants will:
- Describe the impact of dementia on individuals with Down syndrome
- Discuss approaches to dementia care.
- Apply problem-solving method to determine triggers of behaviors
- Use brainstorming to identify strategies for managing challenging behaviors.
Limited enrollment; open to Pathfinder Village Families.